Tents or caravans? They’re chalk and cheese, of course, but after a few nights in a tent recently, I couldn’t help but miss my van.
Tents or caravans? They’re chalk and cheese, of course, but after a few nights in a tent recently, I couldn’t help but miss my van.
Five quick tips to enhance your caravan adventures.
Of all the items I take caravanning, these are the ones I consider to be among the most essentials.
Don’t get caught up in a scam when trying to purchase a caravan or book one for your next holiday. Here are the most common caravan scams to look out for.
Your caravan’s axle(s) are one of its most important components. But when is the last time you actually thought about it, let …
There are plenty of common-sense ways of saving money when exploring Australia, and that’s what we’ll look at here. But there’s one important caveat first: not everything is about money. If the idea of saving money ends up costing you memories, it’s time to rethink things.
Your caravan’s axle(s) are one of its most important components. But when is the last time you actually thought about it, let alone inspected it? The entire weight of the van rests on the axle, minus the ball weight. So whether your van has stub or beam axles, let’s look at the ins and outs of the crucial piece of equipment. AVOIDING AXLE FAILURES Axle failures can and do occur, though arguable an axle
There are plenty of common-sense ways of saving money when exploring Australia, and that’s what we’ll look at here. But there’s one important caveat first: not everything is about money. If the idea of saving money ends up costing you memories, it’s time to rethink things.
It’s not too often we get to talk about genuine Australian firsts. But with its advanced 12V system, the Retreat Caravans ERV is exactly that.
Any 4WD used for long-haul touring is likely to need some bolt-on accessories and other modifications. These are my favourite three…
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