In each aspect of your life, you’re being urged to think green. Like carmakers, many caravan manufacturers also design their vans with the environment in mind. By purchasing or upgrading to eco caravans, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and still have the ultimate holiday experience.
Make and model
Today, caravan manufacturers aim to use recyclable materials and sustainable manufacturing techniques that don’t waste valuable resources, including water and energy. Some makers even offer caravans that take things like aerodynamics and weight into consideration during the design process, but still offer the comforts you need.
Keep it light
Aerodynamics and weight both affect the amount of carbon your vehicle emits when it’s towing the caravan. If you opt for a lighter, more aerodynamic van, you’ll reduce your carbon output. Also, try to pack light – the less you bring, the easier towing will be. Reduce the amount of water you take with you as well – most caravan parks have water on site. Camper trailers and compact caravans are lighter than other caravans, so they are good eco-friendly options. Camper trailers also have excellent natural ventilation.
Stay cool
Insulation should be one of the top priorities when purchasing a caravan. Not only will it help keep your van cool or warm, you’ll also spend less money and use less energy to keep the van at a temperature you desire. Check with the dealer to see if it’s properly insulated. Also, ask if the van has insulation in the walls and under the floor for maximum comfort. To keep warm during those chilly winter nights, close the curtains just before sunset, and invest in heavier blinds to repel the cooler air. You can also consider having glazed or tinted windows.
Power up
Many caravans are now fitted with solar panels for power. They charge the van’s batteries when no 240-volt electricity plug is available and they don’t take up a lot of space on the roof. Solar panels can also be fitted to older caravans.
Sustainability can also be taken on holiday. Make an effort to stay in caravan parks that uphold environmentally friendly practices, replace your van’s light bulbs with energy-efficient variations, use hot water sparingly and have separate bins for rubbish and recycling in your van.
If you’re in the market for an eco caravan, it’s wise to consider which model best suits your needs. Or if you have an older van, there may be some eco-friendly updates you can look into as well [customise your van], such as adding solar panels.